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what is ax
watl player?

Welcome to the First Official Ax Throwing League in Mexico. A tournament in which, for 7 weeks plus 1  tournament in week 8, you will be able to improve your technique and become a pro-player of this sport by competing in the World Ranking sponsored by the WATL (World Ax Throwing League) and Prove that you are the best in Mexico!  

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Summer 2023

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Inscríbete antes del 23 de junio


become a  Axethrower Pro!

how does it work?

The League consists of 8 weeks, in which each participant is required to attend 1 hour a week (to be defined) for the tournament. In that hour, participants will be able to play up to 4 games, with randomly selected players, officially sanctioned in order to build their OFFICIAL RANKING as AX WATL PLAYER . 

In addition, each player will have the right to 1 hour of practice
UNOFFICIAL a week. This optional hour of practice can be taken on the same day, 1 hour before their official participation in the league. And 1 recreational hour a week from Tuesday to Thursday Bring your friends!

A total of 3 Hours of Ax Throwing per week!

During the last week of the tournament, the playoffs and the GRAND FINAL will take place! in which the local champion of the season will be defined.

All players will compete under the official rules provided by the WATL . Therefore, we recommend consulting them in advance to improve competitiveness and avoid confusion during the season.

what does your registration include?

Registration in the Official Ax Throwing League has a few benefits beyond the opportunity to become the official champion 

with your registration
  As a participant you will get:


- WATL LEAGUE AX Player Certificate

- User and access to your player profile with your Ranking on the official WATL platform

- Right to 1 hour of practice throwing + 1 hour of official game per week.

-Right to 1 hour of recreational ax throwing per week (times to choose from Tuesday to Thursday)

-15% discount on your consumption at HACHA (restaurant-bar) during the League season.

- Official T-shirt AX WATL PLAYER

- Consulting for the purchase of official axes

-Reservation priority during the 8 weeks of the League


what are the prizes?


$5000 usd

runner-up award:

$3000 usd


registration price:
presale (until February 16): $1599

price: $1999


- Las horas de lanzamiento de hacha y cuchillos correspondientes a práctica y recreación son personales y no son acumulables ni transferibles a ninguna persona sea o no miembro de HACHA WATL PLAYER.

- Para utilizar las horas de lanzamiento incluídas en su membresía WKTL EDGE PLAYER, cada participante tendrá la obligación de reservar a través de la plataforma de reservas correspondiente a su sucursal. El pago del depósito se tomará a su favor a la hora de recibir su cuenta o se realizará una devolución en efectivo. 

- Los descuentos en consumo de restaurante y bar recibidos como miembros de WKTL EDGE PLAYER no son acumulables con otras promociones y/o descuentos ofrecidas en cualquiera de nuestras sucursales. 

- Las horas de lanzamiento de hacha / cuchillo se contarán por semana y no son acumulables ni se repondrán bajo ninguna


Resuelve todas tus dudas antes de realizar tu registro

Te encuentras haciendo tu registro para nuestra sucursal coapa
Inscríbete a nuestro torneo en ARBOLEDAS AQUÍ

Iniciamos el 24 de Junio

Inscripción de jugadores

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THURSDAY: 13:00 - 01:00
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: 13:00 - 01:00
SUNDAY: 13:00 - 21:00


horario mundo e :

LUNES: 15:00 - 21:00

MARTES: 15:00 - 22:00

MIÉRCOLES: 14:00 - 23:00

JUEVES: 14:00 - 00:00

VIERNES: 14:00 - 01:00

SÁBADO: 13:00 - 01:00

DOMINGO: 12:00 - 21:00

horario coapa:

LUNES: 15:00 - 21:00

MARTES: 15:00 - 22:00

MIÉRCOLES: 14:00 - 23:00

JUEVES: 14:00 - 00:00

VIERNES: 14:00 - 01:00

SÁBADO: 13:00 - 01:00

DOMINGO: 12:00 - 21:00

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